Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Il Grido (1957)

Story of a voyage, of a non-return or an impossibility of mourning. Through the landscape, the houses flooding and the gas stations, the beginning of the question of desire in itself (what would become a major note in Antonioni's films). Ghostly framed in a social concern, this question of a male desire that keeps traveling, substituting and piercing its targets in vain attempts to recapture, to comprehend what is it that made it stop for the first time (one night in a museum, a night that we wish we could see and that perhaps Antonioni will let us perceive in his later films). Work, child and expropriation as a pretext, perhaps the best summary being the scene with the men of the asylum standing by the road, among the dry trees. To what does desire return? To a tower, and then an insignificant scream, before certain fall.

4 stars.

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